
In a way, I mourn the arrival of the Fall Equinox because I know that the shorter days are not long behind and I feel so much more alive when the days are long.

I know on a conscious level that it’s all important, those cycles in life that naturally energize you and then slow you down. It’s like we have this internal clock that’s tied to these cycles and we need to either embrace the shift and perhaps allow ourselves to work in a different way or fight against it and try to work at the same energetic pace as we do when the days are longer. I’m not really sure how to work differently. I’m still trying to figure that part out! If you have some ideas, I’d love to hear them!

I suppose it could mean being more conscious and focused in the work we set out to do and then give ourselves the space to end our work day a little earlier than we might when the days are longer. It’s actually surprising to me how much I can get done when I tell myself I have fewer hours to do it. Suddenly, the stuff that I thought was so important falls to the bottom of the list and the more important stuff rises to the top and gets done. That’s pretty powerful!

In my last BLOG I spoke about the deeper meaning of the Fall Equinox: the balance of light and dark, at least for that one day; and, the end of the summer “harvest”.

There are a number of ways you can celebrate this transition, but here are three of my favorites:

1) GRATITUDE. One theme of the “harvest” is gratitude. Seems like a perfect time to get out your gratitude journal (or start one) or simply a piece of paper, and record the top 10 things you’re grateful for.

If life has thrown you some curves lately, you may have to stretch a little on this. It may be as simple as acknowledging the gentleman who held the door open for you at the grocery store and smiled or your dog that greets you at the door every time you come home or that you have a vehicle that gets you to and from work so that you can put food on the table.

If you can, include some lessons learned that will now improve your quality of life. Whatever they are for you, write them down. Expressing gratitude does something chemically in the brain that alters our perception of our life and can raise our spirits. I’ve also found that gratitude breeds more good stuff!

2) SHARE. If you have a roof over your head at night and food in the refrigerator, than perhaps you might want to share with those less fortunate. Invite some friends over for a feast and ask that they each bring a canned food, dry goods or other non-perishable item. Donate the collected bounty to your local food bank or shelter.

3) CLEAR OUT. Clean out and make room for the new. Many trees shed their leaves so that they can focus their energy on building a stronger trunk and reserves for the winter. In the same way, by doing a sort of spring cleaning, you energetically “open up” your home or office, create energy and make room for new opportunities to come forth.

Go through your clothes and take out any that you didn’t wear this summer and donate them. Let’s be honest, if you didn’t wear them this season, you’re probably not going to next year either.

Go through your office and clear out old client files, reference materials and other stuff that’s stagnating and sort it in three piles: 1) toss; 2) keep; and 3) donate. Store the “keep” pile in boxes out of your space. Mark them with a date and make a deal with yourself that you will revisit the box in a year or some other point in time.

This year, I am vowing to honor nature’s ebb and flow. I will embrace it more, at least a little bit!

One way for me to do that is to celebrate on my favorite place – THE BEACH!



If you’re in the San Diego area, join me and my guest co-host, Mila Bowman, as we offer you a unique way to celebrate and give thanks for the lessons learned, experience some energetic healing and experience a fun way to let your own personal intuition come through in a special artistic experience.

I will guide you through a series of body movements and meditation, all geared to help you reconnect, balance and heal your Chakras from toe to head! We’ll also have a ceremony of sorts to celebrate your new gifts of lessons learned and an offering of thanks.

Embrace your playful, creative spirit as Mila guides you in creating a symbolic take-home art project that encourages you to use your resources and be guided by your intuition. No art experience necessary!

Yoga for Your Chakras

Art for Your Soul

Guided Chakra Meditation & Ceremony

You will leave with an understanding of some movements you can use to help heal and balance your chakras, a take-home piece of art to remind you of your soul connection and with new intentions for the coming season. Oh, and did I mention how relaxed you’ll be?!

We won’t be doing any complicated movements, but we will get down on the sand for some of them, so you’ll want to dress comfortably, and in layers since we will be on the ocean.

We’ll end the afternoon with a potluck. So plan on bringing your favorite dish or munchies to share.

You’ll need to pre-register so that we’ll have enough art supplies for everyone. Go to my FaceBook page for more information and to register now.

My husband, David, and I will bring our motorhome which will serve as a home base and changing area.

It will be an experience you will not forget!

If you’re unable to join us, find your own way to embrace the change in seasons and the deeper meaning behind it.

Please post below how YOU intend to celebrate the Fall Equinox.  I’d love to hear from you!

With good energy,



No matter where you live on our planet, one thing is for sure, we are all effected by the change in seasons and the cycles of the sun. Most of us think of the autumn or fall equinox as the official end of summer and the approach of fall.

But there are two other historical elements of importance.

First, for centuries it has marked the end of the summer harvest and a time for preparation for the cold and winter ahead. We could extend that to a deeper meaning of thankfulness for the crops just harvested (i.e. lessons learned) and for the food to sustain us through the winter (or the knowledge gained and a time for reflection and integration into our lives).

Second, both the summer and autumn equinoxes are a time of balance, of equal light and dark. In the case of the fall equinox, it’s followed by decreasing amounts of daylight. On the spiritual side, we know that in order for transformation to occur, we must experience death in some form; we say goodbye to old ways of being in order to welcome in shifts and changes.

Spring has always been my favorite season, but I have to say the deeper meaning of the fall equinox is pretty special. Let’s face it, spring is associated with growth and new experiences, and sometimes growth isn’t necessarily a fun or comfortable thing! But to celebrate the growth you’ve just experienced, now that’s a whole other topic. You know, the “Whew, I don’t know how I did it, but I made it!” feeling? Or the, “Wow, I never saw that coming, but now that it’s over and I’m looking back on it, I’m glad it happened.” We’ve all experienced life scenarios that when we’re going through them aren’t a heck of a lot of fun, but once we’re on the other side we can see the relevance of it all. But when you’re deep in the middle of it, it really sucks.

So the fall equinox is your opportunity to celebrate your growth and take advantage of the slower energetic pace of the shorter days to stop and really reflect on what it all means and how you’re going to integrate it into your life.



If you’re in the San Diego area, join me and my guest co-host, Mila Bowman, as we offer you a unique way to celebrate and give thanks for the lessons learned, experience some energetic healing and experience a fun way to let your own personal intuition come through in a special artistic experience.

I will guide you through a series of body movements and meditation, all geared to help you reconnect, balance and heal your Chakras from toe to head! We’ll also have a ceremony of sorts to celebrate your new gifts of lessons learned and an offering of thanks.

Embrace your playful, creative spirit as Mila guides you in creating a symbolic take-home art project that encourages you to use your resources and be guided by your intuition. No art experience necessary!

Yoga for Your Chakras

Art for Your Soul

Guided Chakra Meditation & Ceremony

You will leave with an understanding of some movements you can use to help heal and balance your chakras, a take-home piece of art to remind you of your soul connection and with new intentions for the coming season. Oh, and did I mention how relaxed you’ll be?!

We won’t be doing any complicated movements, but we will get down on the sand for some of them, so you’ll want to dress comfortably, and in layers since we will be on the ocean.

We’ll end the afternoon with a potluck. So plan on bringing your favorite dish or munchies to share.

You’ll need to pre-register so that we’ll have enough art supplies for everyone. Go to my FaceBook page for more information and to register now.

My husband, David, and I will bring our motorhome which will serve as a home base and changing area.

It will be an experience you will not forget!

If you’re unable to join us, stay tuned for some tips later in the week on how to celebrate in your own backyard!

With good energy,
