Quick Change!

November 20, 2013


A client of mine, Fatima, came in to see me on Saturday. I asked her to update me on what had happened since we first met a week ago. “I got two new clients!” she exclaimed. “It’s only been a week! And I didn’t even DO anything! I can’t wait to see what comes next!”

I’m always telling prospective clients that when you’re truly ready, transformation can come in a hurry. But it’s always nice to hear it echoed out of the mouths of my clients!

I was having another conversation with a woman this week and she was telling me how she has tried this, that and the other thing and nothing has really “helped me create the kind of change I’m looking for”.

Now, there’s the possibility that she’s not really ready to create change (and there are all sorts of reasons, but that’s another conversation), but let’s assume for a moment that she is.

There are many programs and coaching out there that help you put in systems and structures or new ways of operating or thinking, and while many of them are good in and of themselves (and even necessary), if you don’t deal with the underlying blockage or healing that needs to take place first, it’s always going to feel like something’s missing, and you aren’t going to create real transformation.

I relate it to taking an aspirin for chronic pain. You might get some initial relief, but you’re not really dealing with what is at the root cause of the pain. You’re coping with or managing the pain temporarily, but you’re not really removing the cause of the pain.

In the same way, when things aren’t going well in your personal or professional life, you can apply new techniques or systems or approaches, and while you may see some improvement, you probably are not going to create real transformation. That requires going inward.

The take away that I want you to get here is this, if you are like the woman from the other day who has tried “this, that and the other thing”, and you’re not creating the kind of change you really are seeking, ask yourself “Where am I getting stuck? What have I not been willing to look at?” The answers to those questions can yield BIG change. If you don’t know the answers to those questions, that’s where I come in! Let me guide you in your quest for understanding and connection to yourself. Let me help you get out of your own way! That is what I am here to do.

The other thing I want you to really get from Fatima’s story is that it doesn’t have to be hard and it doesn’t have to take a lot of time. That is the beauty of energy work! It happens with ease. And, when you are truly ready, it can happen quickly!

Together, we can uncover where you are getting stuck, help you remove the energy blockages and give you a set of real-life tools that you can use in-the-moment to shift yourself out of any situation.

A good starting point is my Complimentary Chakra Energy Diagnostics session, which can be done via phone, Skype or in person.

Even if you didn’t do any other work with me, this session alone is so powerful, it has the potential to totally set you on a whole new course of true life fulfillment!

With good energy,

Debra Wilson Guttas
